The only thing that can truly prepare a person for the challenges and situations they will encounter as behavior analysts is direct exposure to those challenges and situations. Nevertheless, a professional's practicum/fieldwork experience is undeniably an essential component to prepare them and to build their confidence to handle those tasks when they do come.

Book #1: The Guide
Book #1 is the resource that will guide you. Here is where you will find instructions on how to use the assessment tool, as well as activity and discussion suggestions (#LessonPlan). You will also dive deep into each competency (total of 175 skills).
Book #2: The Activities
Book #2 contains all the activity sheets, worksheets, scoring grids, self-assessments, and performance trackers. Digital PDFs of Book #2 will accompany every purchase for ease of use.
The Playsheet
The PlaySheet is a uniquely designed spreadsheet that you can use to keep it all in one electronic place: The assessment grids, performance tracking, and meeting planning & tracking. This spreadsheet is perfect for those who do not like paperwork!