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You asked. We delivered.
Behaviorfy and Behaviorshorty have joined forces to bring you this FULL mock exam!
185 questions
Thorough feedback for every question
Get a feel for the real test taking experience
Full report of your performance, per tasklist item
Choose between TIMED (take it all in one sitting, 4 hours) or UNTIMED (take your time, you may come back to test questions later)
You get two chances! #PreTest #PostTest
Behaviorfy, LLC or Behaviorshorty, LLC are not affiliated with, sponsored, or endorsed by the BACB. All credentials (i.e., BCBA, RBT, BCaBA) are property of the BACB.
This, and any other mock exam, is provided independently from the BACB, and is for test preparation purposes only.
Behaviorfy, LLC and Behaviorshorty, LLC are not responsible for actual test performance and cannot guarantee a passing result.